To discipline our children Russell and I both use the "Naughty Chair" approach. We put which ever of the kids is acting up on the bar stool in the middle of the kitchen and set the timer on the stove to how ever many minutes the child is in age. Bailey is 5, she gets 5 minutes. Luke is 3, he gets 3 minutes. Anywho the other day Bailey, my usually perfect child, was acting up. I told her to go put her little bum on the naughty chair. She hung her head in shame and walked into the kitchen pleading over her shoulder, " Ok mom I will but please set it on Lukies age."
I think Bailey is missing Grams The other day while at the mall we walked past the perfume counter and Bailey says to me ,"Mom, heaven must be really close cause I can smell Grandma Faye."
"I'm so DECIDED!" Translation - I'm so excited!
Bailey asked me, "What kind of Spanish do they speak in Indonesia?"
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bacy!" - Get out of Bed!
"It's a Sun shiny Day!" - Not Necessarily sunny but just feeling happy (So cute, I love this one!)
Bailey calls anyone that she considers a close friend her "Cousin"
We had just discovered a crack in the bottom of our dishwasher and it was leaking all over the kitchen. Hot water was spilling out everywhere and Bailey, quite upset cries, "Oh no mom, now where are we going to live?" Can you say Drama Queen????
"What you said?" - What did you say
Target has become "The Pretzel Drink Store"
Luke calls a Cheeseburger " A Handgerber with Cheese"
Luke told aunt Lynne at Christmas, "I am a Big boy but I still sometimes pick my nose."
Luke calls a group of boys, "The BRO"S" and a group of girls, "The BRA'S" (thanks to the teachings of Russell Taylor)
Russ asked Luke the other day if he was interested in going hunting with him next year. Of course Luke said sure. Then Russ asked him what he thought they were going to hunt and Lukie says, "Um, either a cow or a horse."
Lukie on the pony ride at Thanksgiving Point, "Where's the seat belt?"
Luke calls Spaghetti - Skabetty
Lukie dressed himself and I kindly tried to tell him that his shoes were on the wrong feet, to which he replied, "No mom, that's just your inaginations."
Lukie calls "Boobies" - "Elbows"
Luke on the Potty Chair, "It's not Working"
"I want two ones" Translation - I want more than one of something
"Mom, pops my jacket done." Translation - Mom do the snaps up on my jacket.
Luke calls Blueberries - "Rolly Berries"
Luke goes with Russ to Home Depot so much he tells people his daddy works there
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