Too much fun?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Feminine Side
Too much fun?
Friday, September 19, 2008
This really is the Place!
Part of the fun was being able to see the way the Pioneer children lived and the chores that they were expected to do. We were lucky enough to get in on the action and help a real life Pioneer family pick apples for a pie. The kids couldn't get enough, I was suprised that they got such a kick out of it! Who would have thought that helping out with chores would be such a hit? They begged to see if we could find any more pioneers working in their gardens so we could be of some assistance. But unfortunately some other helpers beat us to it......maybe next time.
Showcasing our finished Pinwheels
One of the highlights was playing in the Children's Village. Everything was just their size and they spent over an hour just running around and exploring.
My little Engineer
Crazy Indians
Sitting "Indian" Style in a Tee Pee
Bailey riding "Banjo", who by the way was the fastest horse in town!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It is not unusual for 3 or 4 different Hero’s to drop by our home in a single daySometimes they are ones we recognize, like The Batman
or Mighty Spidy
Other times the Hero is an entirely new breed, an unusual mixture of every member of "The Justice League of Hero’s" all wrapped in one with phenomenal super powers that can accomplish absolutely anything! Luke has such an active imagination and surprises me everyday what he comes up with - like the "Indivisible Snake Boy", an invisible, silent emissary who does good and leaves gifts for those in need, one of my personal favorites.
In fact Lukie reminds me a bit of a Super Hero he's got the intelligence, brute strength, advanced athletic ability, massive size (OK, so just his feet are considered above average right now) and an amazing heart of gold.
Of course this is all fun and games but I'm trying to teach my little Super Hero
that while costumes and capes are fantastic,
if he continues to do good then
"Every man can become a Superman."
Friday, September 5, 2008
"Beauty Mark"
I was nervous about how she would do, besides a broken Tibia last year she's never had anything done like this before. She cried and screamed a little bit, mostly out of fear of the unknown I'm sure because Mark was extremely gentle with her. Over all she surprised her mom and was very brave little girl. (Of course the M&M's from the staff and bribery of a new Doll of her choice also helped.) Mark gave her a love and some final instructions about how she needs to take it easy, no swimming and rough housing because she has stitches in the back of her leg. As we were walking out to the car she stops me in the middle of the parking lot and says, "But mom, you forgot to ask Dr. Mark if I can still dance." Yep, that's my girl!
First Day of School
My Bug has been waiting for this day all summer long! She's really missed her cute friends from class last year and has been looking forward to seeing them again. She loves going to "Rocket School" which is really Children's Discovery, they just have a Rocket ship on the play ground hence - "Rocket School". Her teachers are just darling and as Bailey told me when she got home, "Mom, they have really great hair." (because at 4, that's her way of determining if they are "good" teachers. or not) I let her pick out her own school clothes so as you can imagine everything is P I N K , P I N K, P I N K , from head to toe. I have to admit I am grateful to have my girl home with me one more year and that she's not heading off for grade school just yet. (she barley missed the cut off date with an October B-day - next year she will be one of the oldest in her grade) I'm not ready for a kindergartner and I would desperately miss my good helper, not to mention her little brother would be totally lost with out his best friend and playmate. Never the less she's growing up on me and there's nothing I can do about it other than enjoy every little moment.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
First Visit to the Library
Some essentials in our Library are:
Hogle Zoo
Looking at Salamanders - Luke thought he saw Barbies Daddy
Our favorite part was the Albino Alligator - we walked through the exhibit 3 times - I'm convinced he's made of plastic because he never moved.
Gator Boy - its a new Exhibit
Riding the new Carousel
Luke on a Sea Otter
Cutie Pie Dylan playing in the water
Goodbye to Summer
Bubble class
I've never seen anything hold his attention for so long - he loved the fountains!
It seems like every post ends with a Bailey dance so I guess it is appropriate that this is the last picture of the summer - goodbye to Swimming suits, AC, bare feet and warm weather. Hello to Pre-school, library visits, falling leaves and pumpkins. Looking forward to getting on a better schedule and heading into my favorite time of year - AUTUMN.