Monday, September 22, 2008

Feminine Side

Lukie's sis and cousin Reagan had a ball dressing him up like a White Fairy Princess. At first he wasn't too happy about it (see the scowl) but eventually he decided to run (in heels) with the idea and have a little fun.
Too much fun?
Isn't he LOVELY?
Who knew that Spiderman's alias has changed
from Peter Parker to "Tinkerbell"?
I Don't even know what to say about this one. other than
Russ should be so Proud!!!


Maquel said...

That is so funny! What does Russ say? I have a feeling he wouldn't like it very much.

Reid and Christine Family said...

Good times!!! We need to play this week before it gets too cold.

Liz said...

Luke and I will have to discuss this in nursery on Sunday!!! Love it.

Liz said...

by the way, i am peeing my pants over luke calling boobies "elbows". so cute.