Monday, August 11, 2008

Potty Training

I'm quickly discovering some of the differences between raising girls vs. boys (besides of course the obvious)

Potty training is such a great example -

For Lukie it was pretty easy, pull off the bottom half of clothing, jump up on the throne and do your business (which we are so proud of him for and continue to praise him about!!)

For Bug it was all a huge production that required keen fashion sense, superb cooking skills, athletic ability and patience, patience, patience.


Bell Family said...

Your blog looks awesome!! Way to go girl...let me know when it has become an addiction. I love the pictures on the side. Thanks for including my boys. The one of Bailey and J is hilarious. That could be their wedding photo.

Reid and Christine Family said...

Yeah! - Welcome to the blogging world. It looks great! I'm not going to make it tomorrow (water from the moon) - but I want to donate some money. Should I send it up with you? I can bring it by. I'll call you tomorrow.

Again, blog looks great. I'm adding you to my list (hope that's okay)